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Floor Sanding Machine | Adapter | American Sanders-A4695
Floor Sanding Machine | Adapter | American Sanders

Conquer aggressive sanding jobs with Koffler''s strong, durable, economical American Sanders Rotary Floor Sander with Dust Control. On sale now, 10% off regular price. Starting at $2,326.62

TraxxShield100™ Concrete Mosture Barrier-A4713
TraxxShield100™ Concrete Mosture Barrier

Provides moisture vapor suppression to 100%RH, crack suppression, & acoustical benefits. Primer & tapes also available. On sale now, 10% off regular price. Starting at $1,989.78

Roppe Vinyl Carpet Edging-A507
Roppe Vinyl Carpet Edging

A professional edging finish to any carpet, vinyl, rubber tile edge while also protecting it from wear and tear. On sale now, 10% off regular price. Starting at $37.40

Badge:Made in USA
Schluter® TREP-TAP-A4652
Schluter® TREP-TAP

Conceals the top of the riser. Designed to be integrated with the TREP-S or TREP-B stair nosing. For heavy foot traffic. On sale now, 10% off regular price. Starting at $51.08