Garage Mats
(5 results)
Colored Vinyl Flooring Rolls-A731

Three patterns of textured rubber flooring in a variety of colors provide a slip-resistant surface even in moist conditions.
Hog Heaven Mat By Andersen-A807

5/8" or 7/8" mats, rolls, or custom sizes. Available in 5 color combinations. Safe for welding and anti-static applications.

Standard Corrugated Rubber Runner-A601

Used in corridors, aisles, lobbies, warehouses, and vending areas. This runner protects floors and deadens noise.
KSC Cushion Safety Mat-A747

Wet or dry non-slip mat. Anti-fatigue mat resists grease, oil, and chemicals.
Vinyl Metallic Color Flooring Rolls-A732

Attractive shiny metallic colored vinyl flooring in a durable, textured coin pattern increases floor beauty and safety.