Tub Shower Kerdi Drains | Flanges
(14 results)
Schluter-KERDI Flange Kits-A4746

Drains & integrated bonding flange. Flange kits available in ABS, PVC or stainless steel with a 2" or 3" drain outlet.
Schluter KERDI Grate Kits-A4750

4" or 6" square/round designs. Kits include grate assembly, corner seals, 3/4" pipe & 4-1/2" mixing valve seals.
Schluter KERDI Shower Tray ST-A4751

Expanded polystyrene construction designed for constructing mortar-free shower bases. 6 sizes with center or off-center drains.
Schluter® DITRA-DRAIN | Drainage Membrane-A4735

Drainage & uncoupling benefits for a variety of exterior applications with a drainage membrane and self-adhesive seaming tape.
Schluter® DITRA and DITRA-XL | Waterproof Uncoupling Membrane-A4736

Uncoupling, waterproofing, vapor management&heavy load distribution to help prevent ceramic/stone tile,&grout from
Schluter® KERDI FIX | Sealing and Bonding Compound-A4738

Great for wood, stone, concrete, metal, glass, & plastic applications. Available in bright white or gray in tube or cartridge.
Schluter® KERDI LINE Linear Floor Drain Channel-A4752

Components of the KERDI-LINE drain system. Stainless steel construction, center outlet or off-set outlet options.
Schluter® KERDI DRAIN AR Adaptor Kits - Commercial -A4753

Adapt commercial clamping ring drains to integrated bonding flange drains. Available with ABS or SS flanges, 4" or 6" grates.
Schluter® Drain Grate KERDI-LINE Perforated | Closed Assemblies-A4754

Great looking, durable perforated or closed grates in brushed stainless steel or chrome finish. KERDI-LINE floor drain system.
Schluter® KERDI LINE FC Drain Cover Plates -A4755

Seamless appearance in applications where multiple drains are installed. Available in brushed stainless steel or chrome finish.
Schluter® KERDI SHOWER KITS -A4756

Provide all the KERDI products needed for a waterproof, tiled shower assembly without a mortar bed. Kits with or without drains.
Schluter® KERDI LINE SHOWER L | LS Sloped Shower Trays-A4757

Integrated KERDI waterproofing. Available for either center drain or wall drain installations. 2 size options 39"x39" or 55"x55".
Schluter® SHOWERPROFILE R Shower Wall Transition Profiles-A4761

Protect the wall area where the floor slopes down to a perimeter linear floor drain. Brushed stainless steel finish.
Green Drain One Way Flow Trap | Nilodor Enzyme Cleaner-A4766

Prevent pests, gases, odors,&pathogens from entering through drains. Help drain flow, reduce odors&unwanted pests.