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Schluter®-TREP-G and GK - Slip Resistant Stair Nosing Profile-A4653
Schluter®-TREP-G and GK - Slip Resistant Stair Nosing Profile

High traffic, interior/exterior stainless steel stair nosing profiles protect tile & natural stone stair edges. On sale now, 10% off regular price. Starting at $200.22

Schluter® Tile Edging | ECK-K Outside Corner Profiles - For Tiled Walls-A4641
Schluter® Tile Edging | ECK-K Outside Corner Profiles - For Tiled Walls

Protect outside corners of tiled walls. Available in stainless steel and brushed stainless steel, 90 degrees and 135 degrees angles. On sale now, 10% off regular price. Starting at $53.03

Schluter® DECO - Tile Floor Edging Profile-A4647
Schluter® DECO - Tile Floor Edging Profile

Create attractive, decorative accent lines while protecting tile edges with. Profiles come in 98.5" lengths. On sale now, 10% off regular price. Starting at $32.10

Disposable Shoe Covers and Reusable Shoe Covers-A1015
Disposable Shoe Covers and Reusable Shoe Covers

Plastic and cloth Shoe Covers protect floors from dirty wet shoes or work boots. Slip resistant booties available in 3 mil (out of stock) or 9 mil design. Starting at $6.19

Kick Plates Information

Protect your door's most vulnerable area.