Air Movers and Commercial Fans
(7 results)
XPOWER F-16 ULV Cold Foggers-A340
F-16 ULV (ultra-low volume) Foggers by XPOWER are lightweight, compact, and easy to use to dispense
disinfectants, surface sanitizers, biocides, fungicides, and more with simple point-and-spray use.
Electric Duster and Blower-A1059
Can be used for a variety of applications at work or home including blasting away dirt & dust, pumping air & drying. On sale now, 10% off regular price.
Starting at $73.83
XPOWER X-3780 Professional 4-Stage HEPA Air Scrubbers-A341
The 4-Stage HEPA Air Scrubber quickly captures airborne contaminants and submicron-sized impurities with its
advanced HEPA filter technology while its activated carbon filter helps eliminate odors.
XPOWER Centrifugal Air Movers | Water Damage Restoration & Cleaning-A1056
Our XPOWER air movers are powerful yet quiet & ideal for water damage, janitorial & sanitation industries, & home
applications. On sale now, 10% off regular price.
Starting at $150.16
Commercial Industrial Fans | XPOWER Axial Fans | Duct Hoses-A1057
XPOWER Axial Fans. Their unique grill design extends focused air up to 60 feet! 5, duct hose adapter kit also available. On sale now, 10% off regular price.
Starting at $458.95
Confined Space Blowers and Fans-A1058
Great for small confined space (manholes or sewers) when used with a ducting hose or as powerful ventilator fan in large spaces. On sale now, 10% off regular price.
Starting at $379.70
Scented Air Movers-A1061
These high powered air movers diffuse patented fresh scents in no time. 5 Scent Air Movers & 4 great scents available. On sale now, 10% off regular price.
Starting at $271.60