Hardwood Floor Protection

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Hardwood Floor Protection

Hardwood Floor ProtectionHardwood floor protection tips for preserving
– If you have to use cleaning and dusting products for the hardwood flooring, then use those products, which are specifically designed for it, as other cleaning agents might cause discoloration of the wood, like ammonia. So, stay away from cleaning products that contain ammonia.
– If water accidently falls on the floors, then wipe it off immediately with the help of a clean and dry cloth. Don’t let water remain on the hardwood floor as it will seep in through the cracks and cause unnecessary warping. If you have to clean the hardwood floor with water, then use a damp cloth and wipe it clean.
– Do not at any point drag your furniture across the surface, always lift to move it.
– Cut your pets nails to prevent any scratch marks from occurring on the hardwood floor.
– Instead of sweeping, use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of all the dust particles.
– Don’t walk around in pointed heel, golf shoes or any other shoes that have sharp edges below.
– Using blinds everywhere to protect the flooring from the harmful rays of the sun is another hardwood floor protection tip.
– In areas where people are walking around more often, place carpets, mats or rugs that have non-slip protective layer underneath.
– Place felt pads below light weight furniture to prevent it from getting scratched.

Hardwood floor protection tips for repairing scratches

– You can purchase scratch removing sprays in the supermarket and use according to instructions.
– You can also use oils or any kind of finishes to repair small scratches.
– Use wood patching for scratches that have gone beyond the texture of the wood or the finish.
– Repairing chemicals and wood fillers can be applied to scratches which are really deep.
– If the scratch is beyond repair and the service cost for repairing it is too much, then you can always place a carpet over it.
Hardwood floor protection tips for removing


– Place a hot towel over the glue to soften it.
– Use a hot hairdryer against the adhesive in order for it to melt and come off easily.
– A commercial adhesive remover will also work well.
– Or scrape it off with the help of a paint scraper.


– Remove the blood immediately using a paper towel or a dry cloth.
– Sprinkle some baking soda over the area.
– A soft bristled brush dipped in white vinegar to scrub the blood off.
– Or apply a little amount of hydrogen peroxide on a cloth and wipe the area.
These hardwood floor protection do-it-yourself tips are so easy and simple that all your family members will start taking an interest to putting them into real practice.